Finding Balance While Losing One's Mind -- OR -- Where In My Contract Is The Part About Having To Pull My Own Kids' Teeth? -- OR -- Do You Want Me To Pull This Car Over Right Now? -- OR -- Just a Minute - I'm On The Phone!
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:58 PM
Labels: migraine
In case you've been missing me the past few days, I've been putting my blogger boot camp training into action on a new blog dedicated to my personalized gift web site, FeeFiFoto.com. Visit me there at: http://feefifoto.typepad.com/feefifoto/. Eventually I'll transition to the new blog exclusively, but for now I'm maintaining two bases until I can get this place painted and on the market.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:42 PM
Labels: blogging, blogs, feefifoto.com, personalized photo gift
The Kinder Studio has come up with a way to flatter our kids and recognize their artistic accomplishments in a way any parent can appreciate:
"As parents, we strongly believe that children's art, however crude or fabulous, deserves appreciation. We also know how challenging it can be to show the proper respect for each and every creation while maintaining some semblance of grown-up home decor.When I bought FeeFiFoto last year I thought it would be fun to sell personalized gifts, but I never anticipated picking up anything for myself because I see my kids all the time anyway. I designed a photo calendar just to see how the site worked, and a photo handbag as a conversation starter, and discovered a warm feeling I hadn't expected from looking at things with pictures of my own kids, similar to the feeling I get when I hear the greeting my daughter recorded on our voice mail.After layers of tattered paintings and drawings threatened to take over our walls, we got the idea to turn our favorites into digital files which could then be reproduced as easy-to-frame prints."
Here's one more just for fun. Can you figure out who this person is? Take a guess, and then click on her to see if you're right. Go ahead -- I'll wait.
My most unusual mementos/artworks, are each kid's first Jack O'Lantern. It might sound peculiar but actually it was ridiculously simple although, admittedly, inadvertent. After my son's first Halloween I couldn't stand throwing away that cute little pumpkin with his lopsided smile, so I popped it in the freezer and forgot about it. Nine months later I found it to be almost entirely freeze dried; I put the pumpkin in a very low oven, turned the oven off and left the pumpkin in there overnight. The next morning the little fella was dry and firm. I did the same thing for my daughter's first pumpkin, and they both occupy a place of honor in the dining room.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
2:13 PM
Labels: children, freeze dry, Halloween, Jack O'Lantern, kids' artwork, pumpkin
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
12:01 PM
Labels: autumn, dogs, leaves, puppies, raking, Tibetan Terrier
Cute puppy, huh? I carry a small clutch made by FeeFiFoto that has a picture of our dog, a Tibetan Terrier
named Violet, on each side. My kids are cute too, but I hesitate to put their photos on a purse, not only for security reasons but also for reasons of practicality. First, the kids will change: teeth are lost and replaced, hair is shorter or longer, fashions evolve. Not that I carry the same handbag year after year, but if I put the kids' picture on a purse it'll obsolesce as soon as I drive it off the parking lot.
The second reason comes from pure public relations. I carry a photo handbag partly to promote FeeFiFoto, and it's astonishing how much attention this puppy purse generates. Especially when Violet's with me, people look at the purse and then at the dog and then back to the
purse and their faces light up. Seems hokey, but the joint appearance of the dog and the purse with a picture of the dog makes people smile. And somehow, no matter how cute your kids are, photos of them never seem to have the same effect. Even if the dog's not with me people still comment on the bag, and charming them is a slam dunk when I say that's not just any dog on my purse -- it's my dog.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:24 AM
Labels: dogs, feefifoto.com, personalized gift, personalized photo gift, personalized photo handbag, personalized photo purse, photos, Tibetan Terrier
When your business involves photographs you regularly witness astonishingly creative approaches to the same old square or rectangular format.When I had portraits taken of my kids I'd baffle the photographers by insisting on keeping the unusual photos like this one:
The woman who took this shot had her finger on delete, but I stopped her; this photo shows the essence of my son when he was six months old, with the fingers in the mouth and the little smile behind them. I once insisted on a portrait of my daughter taken from the back.
Here are some more unusual photos I found while browsing the net:
"The following shots are all of moving subjects where the photographer has made the choice to set their camera to capture the movement as blur rather than freezing it. This is in all cases by choosing (or letting the camera choose) a ’slow’ shutter speed (although by slow you’ll see that the speeds (noted under each image) vary from anything from 1/30 second to up to 40 minutes)."
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:44 AM
Labels: Disney World, Disneyland, feefifoto.com, photography, portraits, shutter speed
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
2:01 PM
Labels: cooking, food, recipe, soup, white bean soup
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
11:03 AM
Labels: architecture, home, House, mountain
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
12:47 PM
Labels: Domino's, healthy food, High School Musical, pizza, school, snack
FeeFiFoto.com has donated a Bucket Bag, Single Photo Mia Cameron handbag made from an extremely sturdy microfiber fabric, trimmed in microfiber or leather. They don’t use an iron-on process, which produces high quality colors, image quality and life. This prize will be handmade to order, and takes 3-5 weeks for delivery. Just in time for the holidays! Value: $100.00
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
11:05 AM
Labels: b5media, blogs by women, Blogtoberfest, contest, feefifoto.com, giveaway, handbag, mom blogs, mommy blogs, personalized gift
... a fresh approach to fractured fairy tales: take one small child's insatiable demand for Just one more story and add a sleepy parent's wish to get the bedtime ritual over with as quickly as possible. The result is this collection of eight condensed folktales. For example, Goldilocks and the Bears begins, There were some bears;/It doesn't really matter how many./There was a bunch./Let's get to the point: and ends, When the bears came back,/They found her asleep./She woke up, screamed, and ran home/So she could sleep in her own bed./Just like you. A few nursery rhymes (Hickory, dickory, dock,/A mouse ran up the clock./The clock struck eight./Oh, my, it's late!/So the mouse went straight to bed) and jokes round out the book... The cover shows an intensely alert toddler on the lap of a sleeping father, surrounded by several dozing characters (Goliath sucking his thumb, for example, and Red Riding Hood conked out next to the wolf dressed as Grandma). The sometimes sly, sometimes outrageous, sometimes simply silly humor will go over the heads of most preschoolers, but it's right on target for their older siblings (and tired parents, of course).–Lauralyn Persson, Wilmette Public Library, IL
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
6:27 PM
Labels: bar mitzvah, Barry Blitt, bed time, bed time story, clarinet, Geoffrey Kloske, Hava Nagila, internet, nap, Once Upon A Time The End, Pachelbel Canon, sleep, SoloMother
What about allowance? I'm torn here. I want to teach my kids NOW how to deal with money. I don't want them figuring out at 20 what happens if you make a regrettable purchase. At the same time, where do they get said money? From allowance? Should I be paying them for things that are necessary to the family's well-being? Shouldn't these chores be done simply because they need to be done? It's a catch-22 as far as I can tell.Periodically Cleo and Robey try to finagle me into giving them an allowance, for what I can't be certain because they have everything they need, most things they want, lots of things they don't need, and I almost never require them to pay for anything themselves. Well, there was that Webkins...
I wish there were words more superlative than all the superlatives I know, because sometimes common words seem woefully tepid, scrawny and inapplicable. I typically feel this way regarding overexposed, redundant and unimaginative profanity. We used to employ such colorful curses, and now our expletives mostly have to do with bodily functions and ancestry. It's not that I feel compelled to employ profanity regularly or that I miss the small amount of cursing I used to indulge in before my kids developed their listening ears and repeating mouths. It's just that life would be so much more interesting if we could express frustration, disdain or anger in more colorful, memorable language than most of us can muster.*
I feel the same way when attempting to describe overwhelming feelings of joy, amazement, ecstasy, pleasure or whatever, because standard issue language just isn't adequate. I've often found it maddeningly frustrating (or frustratingly maddening?) to convey sufficiently how incredible (yuk) it is to be a mom to my two kids. The best description I ever came up with was that even though mothering was the most commonplace, mundane activity out there, it still was/is the most hands down special, perfect experience one can have (even the diaper/sleepless/midnight vomiting parts).
In any case, all this long-winded introduction leads me to my point, which is this: I cannot come up with anything more appropriate than the word "miracle" to describe this story:
Kevin Everett will be transferred Friday morning to a Houston hospital to begin the next phase of his rehabilitation, less than two weeks after the Buffalo Bills tight end sustained a life-threatening spinal cord injury.
And doctors said Thursday they believe he will be walking within weeks -- perhaps sooner.
In case you missed it, this 25-year-old professional football player was as close to death two weeks ago as a man can be and not be actually dead. There was no doubt in the minds of the finest neurosurgeons in the country that Kevin Everett would never walk, never move, never breathe on his own. Nevertheless, thanks to outstanding care immediately after his devastating injury (if you haven't heard or read about it, he broke his neck during a football game and in the ambulance on the way to the hospital doctors cooled his body to about ninety-two degrees with a chilled intravenous saline solution, thus preventing the devastating swelling of the spinal cord that leads to paralysis), he will likely walk again, and while his football career is over (?) he'll have a functioning life.
Of course, Kevin Everett received the most outstanding care available; there were doctors on the premises to commence immediate and urgent treatment. Still, the fact that such treatment can be effective under any circumstances is frankly astonishing. And I'm at a loss for words.
Well, actually I'm at a loss for suitable words. I'm rarely at a loss for any words.
I'm awestruck at the implications of this remarkable accomplishment. Preventing paralysis after a catastrophic spinal cord injury is tantamount to bringing back dinosaurs or dodos, reaching infinity, or the Cubs winning the World Series (sorry -- Cardinals fan. Just had to throw that in).
It's performing the impossible, people!
I keep revisiting this story in my mind, especially when pelted by horrible news everywhere I look. Stories like this one, no matter how implausible or unimaginable, give me a sorely needed feeling of well-being which I try to protect and nurture for as long as I can.
*Here are just a few delicious Yiddish curses; whence creativity?
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
9:33 PM
Labels: Buffalo Bills, Cardinals, creativity, Cubs, curses, cursing, football, Kevin Everett, language, paralysis, spinal cord, words, World Series, Yiddish
Today, while practicing maneuvers and spit-polishing my combat boots, I came across an announcement on Solo Mother of exactly the kind of promotion I need to get my feet wet, and just in time for the Christmas season no less! They're hosting the Family and Relationships Channel Blogtoberfest (guess which month it occurs in?). Among many other cool and desirable prizes will be a Personalized Photo Bucket Bag from my site, FeeFiFoto.com.
Take a look:
It's a microfiber handbag with your favorite photo printed on each side.
I have one of these. I printed a picture of our dog, the Tibetan Terror -- um -- I mean Terrier. It's one of the few things in our house she hasn't yet managed to steal and mangle.
Anyway -- check out the contest and look for my link. I'm so proud! (snif)
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
4:29 PM
Labels: blogging, blogs, dog, feefifoto.com, handbag, internet
In other words, she's searching the internet for friends so she won't have only internet friends....moms to date. Well, not to date exactly but something like that. I want to meet them for kid playdates during the day and for grown-up playdates at night.
I’ve decided that I need to find some local friends as cool as the ones in the little white box on my desk (uh…that would be you guys). My closest IRL friends live in other states and my friendships here with other moms are mostly based on the friendships shared by our kids.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
11:46 AM
Labels: boys, community, community building, girls
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
8:00 PM
Labels: blogging, blogs, community, community building, history, social studies
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
12:13 AM
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
11:16 PM
Labels: ballet shoes, ballet slippers, ebay, karate, sewing, tae kwon doe
Nothing else. Just Hi.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
1:11 PM
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
3:17 PM
Labels: Barry Bonds, Christopher Reeve, dog fighting. Ebay, Humane Society, Michael J. Fox, Michael Vick, paralysis, Parkinson's Disease, pit bulls
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
9:14 PM
Labels: grocery store, Labor Day, mall, middle school, passport, school, shopping, summer vacation, supermarket
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
5:12 PM
Labels: Airwalks, crocs, ebay, flip flops, Gorilla Glue, sewing, shoes
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:23 PM
Labels: fertility treatment, infertility, kids, parenting, single mom, single parent, sperm donor
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
4:30 PM
Labels: Amazon, costume, Emily Osment, Google, hair, haircut, Haley Joel Osment, Halloween, Hannah Montana, Sixth Sense, wedding gown, wig, youtube
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:43 PM
Labels: 409, Arnold Horshack, Craig's list, dog, dogs, Humane Society, Kotter, redwood, swing set
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:07 PM
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
7:43 PM
Labels: Beyonce Knowles, birthday, handbag, Katharine Graham, Louis Vuitton, purse, tote, Washington D.C.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
11:07 PM
Labels: canned peaches, dog toys, fruit, hamburger, Little Miss Sunshine, McDonald's, puppy, restaurant, why
Dear Person-at-the-Bank:
Something tells me that you and the bank could win the undying gratitude of a young client with 2 tickets to see the Hannah Montana show... Price is not the issue, but availability is. If you have any access to tickets that are already sold out or you know where they could be acquired, [Cleopatra] would love you forever.
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
10:42 PM
Labels: baseball playoffs, Hannah Montana, seven year old girl, ticket scalpers, ticket scalping
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Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry")
8:32 PM