Finding Balance While Losing One's Mind -- OR -- Where In My Contract Is The Part About Having To Pull My Own Kids' Teeth? -- OR -- Do You Want Me To Pull This Car Over Right Now? -- OR -- Just a Minute - I'm On The Phone!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Little Baby Steps

Fresh out of my second week of blogging boot camp, and my hair seems to be growing back already. Yesterday we talked about making connections with other sites whose eyeballs are connected to my ideal customer base; at one point we discussed offering product giveaways to get some attention ("Helloooo? Anybody out there?") to our site. It seemed so obvious once Drill Sergeant Kristen suggested it that I was embarrassed not to have come up with the idea myself.

Today, while practicing maneuvers and spit-polishing my combat boots, I came across an announcement on Solo Mother of exactly the kind of promotion I need to get my feet wet, and just in time for the Christmas season no less! They're hosting the Family and Relationships Channel Blogtoberfest (guess which month it occurs in?). Among many other cool and desirable prizes will be a Personalized Photo Bucket Bag from my site,

Take a look:

It's a microfiber handbag with your favorite photo printed on each side.

I have one of these. I printed a picture of our dog, the Tibetan Terror -- um -- I mean Terrier. It's one of the few things in our house she hasn't yet managed to steal and mangle.

Anyway -- check out the contest and look for my link. I'm so proud! (snif)

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