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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Barry Bonds ...

...ties Hank Aaron's record, hitting his 755th career home run during a game in San Diego. According to Tim Brown, writing for Yahoo! Sports: "[h]e is one home run from owning the record outright, a mark many consider the most sacred in sports, one that Aaron held alone since surpassing Babe Ruth in 1974." Read article here

Hmmmm. "The most sacred [record] in sports..."

I thought that was Ruth's/Maris's season homerun record...

or Gehrig's/Ripken's record for most consecutive games...

or DiMaggio's hitting streak...

Gotta love those sportswriters: masters of subtlety.

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Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter how sacred the record it, Bonds did it while cheating on Steriods and HGH. He's a cheater, and I don't care if people think he's broken any record, in my book he's a scumbag and didn't do a damn thing except model the worst of behavior for legions of fans young and old.

Call me ISHKABIBBLE (It's Faux Yiddish for: "I Should Worry") said...

Ah yes -- and then there's that. In a twisted way I feel some gratitude to Barry Bonds for giving me an opportunity to talk with my kids about drugs and cheating.