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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Unusual Ways Of Looking At Usual Things


When your business involves photographs you regularly witness astonishingly creative approaches to the same old square or rectangular format.

When I had portraits taken of my kids I'd baffle the photographers by insisting on keeping the unusual photos like this one:

Bennettfingers_5The woman who took this shot had her finger on delete, but I stopped her; this photo shows the essence of my son when he was six months old, with the fingers in the mouth and the little smile behind them. I once insisted on a portrait of my daughter taken from the back.

Here are some more unusual photos I found while browsing the net:

"The following shots are all of moving subjects where the photographer has made the choice to set their camera to capture the movement as blur rather than freezing it. This is in all cases by choosing (or letting the camera choose) a ’slow’ shutter speed (although by slow you’ll see that the speeds (noted under each image) vary from anything from 1/30 second to up to 40 minutes)."

MovingPhoto by Sara Heinrichs - Exposure Time: 20 seconds

MovementPhoto by Mr Bones - No exposure settings supplied

Movement-BlurPhoto by Amnemona - No exposure settings given

BlurPhoto by Ben McLeod - Shutter Speed - 8 seconds

BlurredPhoto by WisDoc - Shutter Speed - 1/30

Urban-BlurPhoto by Wam Mosely - Shutter speed - 4/5 of a second


...And one of my own. Taken at Disney World, shutter speed I-Have-No-Idea, while riding in a slowly moving pedicab. In case you can't tell, it's a plain old plant.

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