Finding Balance While Losing One's Mind -- OR -- Where In My Contract Is The Part About Having To Pull My Own Kids' Teeth? -- OR -- Do You Want Me To Pull This Car Over Right Now? -- OR -- Just a Minute - I'm On The Phone!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Testing.. Testing .. One, Two, Three.. Is This Thing On?

Thank you! Thank you! You're so kind. Really, thanks so much.

How is everyone tonight? Good? Having a good time? Where you from?

I just flew in from Missouri, and boy are my arms tired!


But seriously, folks...

Welcome to the forum for my musings, experiences, stories (mostly funny, I hope), and insights, such as they are. I hope you have a splendid time, and visit often.


Here I am, a forty-seven year old single mother of two kids way too young to drive themselves. We spend a good amount of time together, and as the sole parent I'm in charge of everything. About fifteen years ago I decided that if Mr. Right wasn't going to drop through the ceiling any time soon, I'd best take charge of matters. After buying a new house, lining up better health insurance and generally getting my ducks in a row, I selected Mr. Donor from a long list of candidates, and began the fertility dance. Eighteen months later something finally worked, and after nearly forty weeks of nausea I gave birth to Robespierre (not his real name, but the working title I employed to deflect comments and opinions). Two years later, one more IVF brought Cleopatra-Queen-of-the-Nile.

Robespierre is almost ten now, and I have to say that single parenthood is one of the best-kept secrets around. I'm responsible for everything (although I have extremely supportive and helpful family living nearby), but I'm well compensated by a steady flow of kisses, hugs and pride-generating moments.

A few months ago I bought a web site that produces personalized gifts. It's been a lot more work than I'd anticipated, but contributing to its development and refurbishment satisfies my creative genes. The kids function as independent contractors; I pay them to help me select products or designs, and they have a feeling of ownership.

So that's the beginning of the story. Keep in touch.